The Superb Life of the Toco Toucan

Toco toucan holding onto tree branch.
I. The Amazing Life of the Toco Toucan
In the wonderful rain forests of Argentina there lives a wonderful creature called the toco toucan. This amazing bird fascinated me because it's the largest toucan of all. My journey with you to the canopy will teach you about the magnificent life of the toco.
II. Relatives
This fabulous animal is related to the aracari and the toucanet. The toco toucan is from the bird family. What is a group of them called? Well I'll tell you a group of toco toucans is called a flock. Which means there is about six birds in a flock. There are forty types of species. All toucans are from the Ramphastidea family.
III. What does it look like?
The toco toucan looks like a big bird with a colossal bill that's eight inches long and three inches high at the base. This fabulous bird probally uses its beautiful colorful bill to attract a mate. The toco toucan is mostly black all over. The toco toucan's head and neck is white. Its huge bill is black,orange,red,and yellow. The toucan's bill has little waves that are vertical.The toucan's bill isn't heavy as it seems because its bill contains a numerous amount of air pockets so it's actually not that heavy. The toco toucan is twenty - five inches long (sixty - four centimeters). The toucan's tongue is narrow that resembles a feather.
IV. Toucans Ways to Life
Where does it live? We'll the toco toucan is found in Central and South America. This bird doesn't migrate because it's always warm in the rain forest and the canopy. The toco toucan can only fly for a little while because of its square like wings.
V. Staying Fit in the Rain Forest
The toco toucan is an omnivore (means that it eats meat and fruits) and mainly eats small fruits, insects, frogs, snakes, lizards, spiders, and bird's eggs. The toucan's bill is so huge that it uses it to reach for its food if it's to faraway. The toco also uses its bill for cracking nuts and other hard foods.

Toco toucan pecking at fruit.
VI. Predators
The toco toucan's enemies are the jaguar, man, and large cats. Man is the toco toucans worst enemy because people are destroying its comfy home. Also because man is killing this bird for its outstanding colorful bill and feathers.
VII. Attacking Back
The toco toucan fights back with it incredible sharp and oversized bill to defend its self. Predators would think once before trying to attack the toco toucan. The toco toucan also uses its wild screech to scare away predators.
VIII. Babies Are Born
Toucans reproduce once a year from March to May. Between sixteen through eighteen days baby toucans are born. A female toucan lays from two to four white glossy eggs. Baby toucans are called babies or chicks. Toco toucans can live up to ten to twenty years old. A female toucan is different from the male because a female's bill is a little more square like than a male's bill that's kind of curved.
Baby toco toucans getting ready to be fed.
IX. Human Lovable
This totally amazing bird is sometimes captured by humans and they keep these terrific birds as pets. Though sometimes humans start destroying their habitats and start killing them for their precious features.
X. How Many Are Left?
The population of this species in uncertain but is decreasing. The toco toucan is not endangered but is being killed by people for its marvelous features.
XI. When It Sleeps
When a toucan sleeps it turns its head so that its bill rests on its back. The tail is folded over its head and it soon becomes a feathery ball.
XII. Getting Around the Rain Forest!
The toco toucan doesn't have to keep warm because it lives in the canopy of the rain forest. In the canopy
of the rain forest it's very warm. The toco toucan doesn't need to adapt to cold wheather because it's always
warm in the rain forest.
XIII. Altitudes of A Bird
The habits a toucan has is that it spends almost all its life time up in their hollow tree hole. Toucans also because of their bills have their heads down all the time.
XIV. Special Abilities
The thing that's so eyepopping about the toco toucan is that when it chirps it sounds like a frog or toad's croak. Also that it's very playful. A toucan can't sing though it can only chirp. A toucan is also curious and sociable animal.
XV. End of Our Journey!
Thus, that is the end of our tour of the toco toucan now you'll be a genius when you are asked something
about this fascinating bird. As you went with me on our journey don't forget that the toco toucan's home is being destroyed by humans they aren't just destroying their homes though but also alone with its food. So there will soon be no more toucans left. LONG LAST THE ASTONISHING TOCO TOUCAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toco toucan flying.
Works Cited
Johnson, Jinny. Simon & Schuster Children's Guide to Birds. 1996.
Kite, Lorien. Nature's Children Toucans. 1999.
McDonald, Mary Ann. New Nature Books Toucans. 2007.
Dolan, James. "Toucan". World Book. 2001.
National Geographic. <>. 24 March 2009.
WhoZoo. <>. 24 March 2009.
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