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Kevin M

Page history last edited by Kevin McMorrow 15 years, 5 months ago



                                                         A teenage Marmoset screeches to protect it's family from a large bird. 

Mysterious Marmosets


I. Introduction

          The Pygmy Marmoset is one of the very interesting and mysterious creatures of Latin America.The pygmy marmoset is a monkey set different from all the other monkeys in South and Central America. The Pygmy marmoset has extremely extraordinary features making it very close to us humans except for it's smallness in size.

                                                 A full grown Marmoset grasps a hold of tree.


The marmoset is a strange unique monkey. The reason it is rare to find is because of it's brown and gray camouflage within the trees and leaves. Marmosets also have beady small eyes almost like a mouse's or rat's eyes.

  III. Family

       The marmosets closest relatives are the fuzzy Tamarin. These marmosets belong to the tree swinging monkey group that inhabits Latin America. These marmosets are not like the average monkey or chimp you would imagine, the pygmy marmoset's charac teristics are more like a squirrel instead of a monkey.

IV. Location

      The marmoset inhabits south America. This monkey does not migrate the only reason they travel is to find bugs and critters to feast on. It ranges from Peru to Ecudore living off the food supplied.They get their food by

digging holes in trees and catching bugs with claws.


                                                     A small Pygmy Marmoset feeds on a peeled banana. 


     The marmoset has a very easy job of finding food for him or herselves family. They survive off of the gum and sap in trees by gnawing holes into it. Marmosets also catch several different kinds of bugs such as spiders, ants and many more insects that are easy to catch.

                                                                                   VI. Enemies

     Unfortunately these cute little animals are not loved by everyone! The Marmoset's enemies consist of cats, birds of prey, snakes and other monkeys. The marmoset's main enemies are humans and deforestation, every day a habitat of a marmoset is destroyed by fires or lumberjacks cutting them down for wood in order to make furniture and other house hold materials.

VII. Defense 

      The marmosets protect themselves by scratching and biting. They also have amazing speed which makes it extremely hard for enemies to kill them. The marmosets also stick together in groups in case if other marmosets get aggressive and start attacking each and other. Marmosets also screech and yell attempting to scare off predators, they also throw rocks or sticks at large cats.



Rare twin albino Marmosets.


       The marmosets reproduce very rapid at night with a litter that consists of 1-2 babies at a time. It takes the babies 6-8 weeks to be born. They are expected to live 11-14 years in the wild some of the oldest marmosets lived 20 years in captive at zoo's or in homes.

IX. Relationships

Believe it or not some marmosets are kept as pets in houses, monkeys are very difficult to raise! Marmosets are also kept as medical testers when they are sick by testing out new medicines on their immune system. They test on monkeys because they are alike humans and if the medicines work on them chances are they will work on humans.

X. Population

There are many marmosets in the wild ... they are just hard to find! Marmosets main threats are humans thanks to deforestation. Marmosets are brought into captive in order to help them stay healthy then they set them free or keep them if they do not get better.

XI. Sleeping Habits

Marmosets are partially nocturnal due to the night reproductive system but for the most part they stay out in the light and catch food for their family. The marmosets don't need to worry about being spotted in the day because of their camouflage which makes it safer to go out in the mid day to dawn.

XII. Adaptation

These monkeys shelter themselves in trees that they dig holes in. They also shelter themselves up high in the trees of the rainforest. Marmosets also hide in shade or the leaves on the ground or under sticks.

XIII. Habits

The pygmy Marmosets have a horrible painful habit scientifically known as (W.M.S). Wasting Marmoset Syndrome makes weaning babies very difficult, uncomfortable and painful. Some marmosets die from (W.M.S) because of the excruciating pain through out giving birth.

XIV. Unique Characteristics 

These monkeys are amazing and SO interesting! The pygmy Marmosets have very flat feet and hands but instead of fingers they have claw like paws. They are the smallest monkeys in the world! They only weigh about a few ounces and can fit in your palms at a length of about 5-7 inches. Like most monkeys they are very fast and flexible.


Pygmy marmosets are terrific animals with extremely unique characteristics. These loving monkeys are quickly making there way onto the endangered list do to deforestation, you can help by protesting wood cut down by rainforests. Thus These monkeys are definitely something to marvel over and continue learning more about!



Greensway, Theresa. Tree Life. 1992

Martin, Patricia. Monkeys of Central and South America. 1998


Http://www.groiler.org/  March 14 2009

Http://www.wikipedia.com/   March 16 2009

Http://www.Yahoo.com/ March 19 2009


Comments (3)

Ms. Davis said

at 10:56 am on Apr 13, 2009

Hi Kevin! Your project looks great so far. I have a few suggestions to make it perfect! Please go back and double check your spelling - I see quite a few mistakes. Also, I think you should re-read your project to make sure that your information is well organized. For example, you have some information under "Appearance" that belongs under "Family," and some under "Family" that belongs under "Appearance."
It's very interesting that they use marmosets for medical testing. What do you think about that?
Keep up the good work!

Mariah Kelly said

at 7:20 am on Apr 25, 2009


Mariah Kelly said

at 7:06 pm on May 11, 2009

WOOHOO Kevin i think that you should add a little more detail about their adaptations but all together GRRRREAT JOB!!!:)

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